Tuesday 8 March 2011

   Knock! Knock! Knock!
   I was hearing someone shouting loudly.. But i didn´t know that i still had slept and this was a dream or not. My eyes were half-spacing. I saw vaguely a woman. She was tall and fair-skinned, i remembered this woman from a place. Suddenly she shouted at me and i understood who she was. She was our International Coordinator Dorte  Palm!
   While i was think why she was in here, everthing suddenly came to mind. ´Trine knocked lightly on the door to Sevgi and Dilan´s room in the morning, she was surprised to saw me in the face. I had to stay their room at night. Because we´ve solved our problems and when it was late, girls said me that i could stay in their room. Trine said that we had Finn´s class that day at 8.30 AM. till 2.00 PM. and he asked why we didn´t come the course..Lesson? We had not know about any lesson at that day. She continued to talk but i had not understood her anymore..Normally, I have difficulty in understanding English.­ ­ Sleepy, nothing! So i said ´yes, yea, ja..´ She thought that i was understanding her. Then she went to the usual smile...´ and i went to sleep in my bed.
   I woked up with my thoughts, while Dorte asked me discomposedly ´´Why are you staying in here?´´
   ´´I...we...slept late so..´´ i was trying to tell.
   ´´What are you doing in here? Why haven´t  you gone lesson?´´
   We were trying to tell while we were trying to understand what happened!
   ´´We haven´t know...problems...lesson...Finn...Peter?``
   ´´Get ready and go to class so fast. Come into my room after, if you repeat this mistake again, i will lodge a complaint about you to your school.``
   Also Say had not gone to the school because of us. We told her that there was no lesson on monday! And Dorte had visited her too. After Dorte went, she came in our room. All of us were sheepish and sleepines..
  ´´Is there anybody  to understand what happened?`` she asked.
   ´´Trine came to us that morning and she said there is lesson today. I think she wanted to say we have to go lesson now but i was sleeping!´´
   The normal time, all the girls will be ready late. But that morning Sai, Dilan and Sevgi got ready fast. Frankly surprised. Then we went to the class, apologized to Finn.
  After the class, we went to the Dorte´s room. She was calm and smile again. A statement we made. We didn´t know the lesson´s times. We also apologized to Dorte. We spook with her and left in her room. 
   Now we pay attention to Fronter.